Yoga In August at SSC&W


This is your update about new classes, class passes, and generally what's going on in the yoga room at the clinic.

I am continuing to add classes back into my schedule now that I’m back from my maternity leave. You can check out the calendar here.


NEW CLASS starting August 1st! Gentle Yoga - Hybrid Option - This is the lunchtime class on Mondays from 12:00-12:45pm for everyone! It will be available as an In-Person class held in the yoga room at Sand Springs Chiropractic & Wellness, as a Live Streaming class via Zoom, or for purchase as a recording. Cost is $15 per session. Find out more information here and I hope to see you soon. You can purchase an August Monthly Pass for either In-Person or Virtual, or you can always drop-in. If you purchase a Monthly Pass and ever miss a class (get stuck at work, lose track of time, etc.) I will automatically send you the link to view the class recording!

Chair Yoga - This class is on Wednesdays from 10:30am-11:30am. Cost is $10 per session. You can pay in-person before class starts, or reserve your spot and pay in advance through the website. Please note: class size is limited to 8 people - first come, first served.



If you want to join a class simply choose a class off the class schedule on my website. When you find the class you want click on it, then click "Add to Cart"; you will be redirected to the purchase page for that class. Once you finish checking out on the website you will immediately receive a purchase receipt. And remember - if you ever purchase a virtual or hybrid class and don't log in or make it *for any reason* I automatically send you the recording.


I love to help people learn about their movement patterns and habits and use that knowledge to help them move more comfortably and efficiently, and reduce their pain. on about your body and your wellbeing, fill out the form and let's start a conversation.

There is also more information up on the website which you can check out here.

I work with people either In-Person at my office at Sand Springs Chiropractic & Wellness, virtually via Zoom, or at The Yoga Underground.

There is a LOT of information here, so if you have any questions please let me know and I'll do my best to clarify.

Thanks for reading along to the end, stay safe, and I hope to see you soon!

- Leta


The Physical Side of Stress